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Pedia Mark

is dedicated to

Pedia went and placed himself at the forefront of the IDF knowingly fighting terrorist in Gaza under huge risk, despite losing his father Michael Mark in a terrorist attack in front of his own eyes, just few years back


Pedia Mark

Pedia Mark







Circumstances of death:

Fell in a battle in north Gaza

Pedia went and placed himself at the forefront of the IDF knowingly fighting terrorist in Gaza under huge risk, despite losing his father Michael Mark in a terrorist attack in front of his own eyes, just few years back


McFly’s product is a heavy-lifter, game-changer, Jet based Utility drone whose purpose is to fill the existing payload gap between limited drones' capabilities and helicopters. That payload gap is presently forcing helicopter usage to be the default and only option whenever a payload bigger than 30Kg is required for the use case, and which is dangerous to use in proximity to Electrical/ Cellular/ Wind turbine towers and buildings, is super expensive, requires a pilot and air-control coordination and hence is not scalable. We solve this gap and reduce the dependency on helicopters by providing a midsize (up to 200Kg payload) surprisingly compact and easily portable drone (1.4m X 1.4m) for Energy & Logistics, First responders, and HLS markets. The collective market size is more than $50B. McFly is working closely with the R&D unit of the IDF and ministry of Defense – MAFAT.

Drones are increasingly becoming part of everyday life, and the need for a heavy-lifting drone is growing across industries.
Please see our visionary video:
And please see our product demo clip:

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